
Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizer features

In operation, the process exhaust is forced into the Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizer inlet manifold (with a supply fan) and directed into one of the energy recovery canisters by use of inlet (switch) valves. The pollutant laden air passes from the valve assembly vertically upward through the first of the heat exchanger canisters where it adsorbs heat from the ceramic media (thus eventually cooling the media). This preheated air then enters the catalyst installed on top of the heat media ceramic in the canister, typically at a temperature close to catalyst request that required for oxidation. Then the half oxidized exhaust enters combustion chamber.

After passing through the combustion chamber, the half cleaned air is routed vertically downward through the second layer catalyst to achieved targeted efficiency. The the clean flue gas passes through the energy recovery canister where the heat generated during catalytic oxidation is adsorbed by the ceramic media (thus preheating the media for the next cycle). The clean (cooled) air is routed to atmosphere through outlet (switch) valves, the exhaust manifold and ultimately through the exhaust stack. To maximize the heat exchange, the switching valves alternate the airflow path between canisters to continuously regenerate the heat stored within the ceramic media. Thermal energy efficiencies (TER) can be higher than 95%. Using of catalyst further reduce the fuel consumption to 50% comparing traditional RTO. To maintain low external shell temperatures and minimize radiant heat loss, the combustion chamber is insulated with long-life ceramic fiber modules. The external shell is typically fabricated of carbon steel. Air pollutant destruction efficiencies of 99% can typically be guaranteed.

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