Direct Thermal Oxidizer
Direct thermal oxidizer for VOCs off gas
Capacity: 100-100000Nm3/H
Principle: High temperature destruction
In operation, the process exhaust is forced into the direct recuperative thermal oxidizer inlet manifold (with a supply fan) and directed into the cold (tube) side of a high efficiency, stainless steel, multi-pass shell-and-tube type heat exchanger, sometimes directly into the combustion chamber without preheating. The pollutant laden air passes through the combustion chamber, is thoroughly mixed for temperature uniformity (turbulence) and held at the elevated set-point temperature (temperature) for a residence time of 0.5 to 2.0 seconds (time). VOC/HAP emission control takes place within the combustion chamber where auxiliary fuel is introduced if necessary.
After passing through the combustion chamber, the clean (hot) air is routed to waste heat boiler to recover steam from the high temperature flue gas. And the it goes back through the hot (shell) side of the heat exchanger where it continuously preheats the incoming air. Upon exiting the heat exchanger, the clean (cooled) air is routed through an exhaust chamber and ultimately through the exhaust stack. Thermal efficiencies range from 40% to 80% with expansion joints as required. To maintain low external shell temperatures and minimize radiant heat loss, the unit is internally insulated with long-life ceramic fiber modules. The external shell is made of carbon steel. Air pollutant destruction efficiencies of 99.9%+ can typically be guaranteed.
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